A Vacation on the Bay

My parents recently built a little place on the bay in Bay Saint Louis. We are oh so very thankful. It’s a lovely little yellow house with pastel blue shutters and an even lovelier view. It sure does remind me of my Mama. It’s all pastel and clean and, did I say, lovely?

We were able to leave before Easter and spend a full week there with my parents. So much fun.

This is the second time we’ve gone on vacation when I have had a brand new baby still waking up in the night. Not so much fun…only because I don’t have the energy to really enjoy my children the way I would like to. We’re just gluttons for punishment that way. But thankfully, my parents were there. It’s kind of funny to be at a place where going on vacation with just the six of us would be really hard. Actually, let’s don’t ever think about that again. I almost died of sleep deprivation just typing those words. We need chaperones. I got a nap almost every day we were there. It was only because the adult to child ratio was 1 to 1. Thanks Mom and Dad! I hope you’ve recovered from vacation.

We had such a great time. Just playing around on the pier was tons of fun for the kids.

We put all the top three in a boat and held the rope while we stood on the pier, but we were afraid Jak was going to jump out. Ava had a tight hold on his life jacket.

I didn’t want to jump in and save him, so we put him in the boat with Josh.

He would have totally jumped in. He has absolutely no idea he can’t swim. I guess he’s just a typical boy. No fear whatsoever.

I really wanted to get a cute picture of them sitting on the pier that I could blow up and frame. You can see how well the photo shoot went.

Here we have a wide range of emotion.

This is Anne Elise’s signature “weird homeschooler pose”.  Ava is striking a pose too. She has two skinned knees. Poor thing. She inherited her Mama’s coordination. And, oh look.  A two year old for sale.

Josh hung a rope swing on one of the beautiful oaks in front of the house. That turned out to be a big hit. I was really surprised that Jak could hold on and swing by himself. I think he’s fallen enough in his short little life to know he better hang on.

Then we went for a boat ride to Ship Island. It was super bumpy, but the kids loved it. We had to anchor the boat out a bit and wade to shore. Well, that was the plan. We actually crashed into the island and had to have help from perfect strangers to push the boat back out.

‘Cause that’s how we roll.


And I had to include this picture because when Jak picked up this hat and put it on sideways and started walking to the beat, Josh had a moment.

One of the highlights of the day at Ship Island was finding this little guy.

And then a very unfortunate thing happened.

You can see by the look on his face that he’s as shocked as we are.


It was a great vacation. We’re hoping to make many more memories at our little house on the bay. We plan to go back as soon as we can schedule it with our chaperones.

3 thoughts on “A Vacation on the Bay

  1. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE reading about the Kines’ family. I always smile, and usually laugh out loud a good bit! Thank you for bringing such joy to my life! I hope you contine to write and post pictures when you move to CR and beyond.

  2. Ok great pictures. But 1. Justin would be sad you didn’t mention the enormous fish he caught while we were there. If he read your blog, which he doesn’t. I’ll read it to him and add something amazing about his fish. 2. I’ll by the 2 year old. We knew you’d get rid of a kid some day. 3. Ive been on vacation with you with a brand new baby and I had a lovely time.:)

  3. Pingback: Just a few highlights. « The Long View

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